Philips Stadion Information

Use FanSeats ticket search technology to get live prices for the biggest events scheduled at Philips Stadion in Eindhoven. All confirmed major Philips Stadion events listed below. Get Philips Stadion tickets from safe and trusted websites, all with 100% guarantees. Philips Stadion venue images, updated seating plans, views and entrance details, listed below.


18 Sep
Wed · 21:00
Philips Stadion, Eindhoven, Netherlands - Champions League
Check Availability
1 Oct
Tue · 21:00
Philips Stadion, Eindhoven, Netherlands - Champions League
From £258
27 Nov
Wed · 21:00
Philips Stadion, Eindhoven, Netherlands - Champions League
Check Availability
29 Jan
Wed · 21:00
Philips Stadion, Eindhoven, Netherlands - Champions League
From £1033